
"Der Verteidiger der Gerechtigkeit" - die nordkoreanische Armee - übt sich in "übermenschlicher Selbstkontrolle"

"The DPRK that sets store by the peace and stability of the Korean Peninsula is now exercising superhuman self-control but the artillery pieces of the army of the DPRK, the defender of justice, remain ready to fire.
" (Hervorhebung durch den Autor)

Wenn nicht Menschen sterben würden, dann hätte das alles Potenzial für eine herrliche Komödie - mit der DVRK als Verteidiger der Gerechtigkeit und Meister der übermenschlichen Selbstkontrolle.

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Finally, every time the North does one of these things, the response of the rest of the world actually, brings about benefits. After the "official condemnations" die down and the sanctions are proved to be ineffective -- as they inevitably are when pitched against a country in which the will or discomfort of the people does not exactly drive the political system -- North Korea gets a reward of some sort, a deal, an aid package, energy supplies, food. Best of all, the rest of the world accepts its word on vital matters even though North Korea has never ever kept its promises.

Und hier noch eine nette Karikatur von Dry Bones zu Obama und North Korea

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