
HRW: Syriens Folterzellen

Human Rights Watch hat 27 Folterzellen in Syrien lokalisiert und einen entsprechenden 81-seitigen Report namens "Torture Archipelago" veröffentlicht.

Human Rights Watch has documented the use of the following torture methods:
  • Prolonged and severe beating, punching, and kicking;
  • Beating with objects (cables, whips, sticks, batons, pipes);
  • Falaqa (beating the victim with sticks, batons, or whips on the soles of the feet);
  • Shabeh (hanging the victim from the ceiling by the wrists so that the his toes barely touch the ground or he is completely suspended in the air with his entire weight on his wrists, causing extreme swelling and discomfort);
  • Balanco (hanging the victim by the wrists tied behind the back);
  • Basat al-reeh, or “flying carpet” ( tying the victim down to a flat board, the head suspended in the air so that the victim cannot defend himself. One variation of this torture involves stretching the limbs while the victim lies on the board (as on a rack). In another variation described to Human Rights Watch the board is folded in half so that the victim’s face touches his legs both causing pain and further immobilizing the victim);
  • Dulab, or the “tire method” (the victim is forced to bend at the waist and stick his head, neck, legs and sometimes arms into the inside of a car tire so that the victim is totally immobilized and cannot protect him or herself from ensuing beatings);
  • Electrocution (with electric prods or wires connected to a battery);
  • Mock execution;
  • Threats against the detainee (of execution, rape);
  • Threats against family members (of detention, rape);
  • Exposure to cold/heat;
  • Sexual violence;
  • Stress positions, such as being forced to stand upright for hours or days;
  • Hanging upside down;
  • “Standing on the wall” (The victim stands with his back to the wall. His hands are tied to the wall up by his head. There is a metal pole sticking out of the wall pressing into his back and causing discomfort but he can’t move because his hands are tied. His feet are on the ground);
  • Pulling out fingernails;
  • Plucking out hair/beard;
  • Use of acid to burn skin;
  • Burning;
  • and Prolonged nudity.

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