
Neustes von der islamofaschistischen Republik Iran

Bilder sagen mehr als Wort:
Police and Basijis vs. People

Achtung! Folgende Videos enthälten äußerst verstörende Bilder!

Iran - Brave Woman: "Beat Me!" at Police

IRAN ~ Police state must be smashed!

Basij Shooting At People From Rooftop

Beat it!

They don't care about us

Out of Iran, Escape from Hell

They were beating people like — hell. This was a massacre. They were trying to beat people so that they would die. They were cursing — saying very bad words to everyone. They were beating old men. And this was — this was exactly a massacre. You should stop this. You should stop this. You should help the people of Iran who demand freedom. You should help us.

Laufende Updates:
Andrew Sullivan - The Daily Dish

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