
10 Gründe, warum Menschen "böse" sind

Dennis Prager - Why Do People Do Evil?

9 Ursachen, von denen Menschen denken, diese seien dafür verantwortlich, warum andere Böses tun und eine interessante 10te Ursache (Zusammengefasst):
  1. Der Teufel
  2. Die Gene
  3. Die Eltern
  4. Religion
  5. Geld
  6. Macht
  7. Streben nach Wohl (Man denkt, man tue Gutes, dabei tut man genau das Gegenteil)
  8. Sadismus
  9. Langeweile
  10. "Victimhood" (Opferrolle). Viele Menschen sehen sich eher als Opfer denn als Täter
"A lifelong study of good and evil has led to me conclude that the greatest single cause of evil is people perceiving of themselves or their group as victims. Nazism arose from Germans' sense of victimhood -- as a result of the Versailles Treaty, of the "stab in the back" that led to Germany's loss in World War I and of a world Jewish conspiracy. Communism was predicated on workers regarding themselves as victims of the bourgeoisie. Much of Islamic evil today emanates from a belief that the Muslim world has been victimized by Christians and Jews. Many prisoners, including those imprisoned for horrible crimes, regard themselves as victims of society or of their upbringing. The list of those attributing their evil acts to their being victims is as long as the list of evildoers."

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