
The Islamic Rage Boy

Genial zynisch polemischer Artikel bei slate.com über den inszenierten Ärger der Muslime über Rushdie Ernennung zum Ritter. Leider für mich doch teilweise noch zu viele unbekannte englischen Vokabeln.

In der Einleitung heißt es bereits:
"Es ist unmöglich "Rage Boy" und sein Gefolge zu befriedigen. Es ist töricht es zu versuchen."

Einige Auszüge aus dem Artikel:
"Effigies and flags burned (is there some special factory in Karachi that churns out the flags of democratic countries for occasions like this?), wounded screams from religious nut bags, bounties raised to suborn murder, and solemn resolutions passed by notional bodies such as the Pakistani "parliament." A few months ago, it was the pope who was being threatened, and Christians in the Middle East and Muslim Asia who were actually being killed. Indeed, Rage Boy had a few yells and gibberings to offer on that occasion, too."

"Of course, this is not to say that there isn't a lot of generalized self-pity and self-righteousness (as well as a lot of self-hatred) in the Muslim world."

"But how are we to know what will incite such rage? A caricature published in Copenhagen appears to do it. A crass remark from Josef Ratzinger (leader of an anti-war church) seems to have the same effect. A rumor from Guantanamo will convulse Peshawar, the Muslim press preaches that the Jews brought down the Twin Towers, and a single citation in a British honors list will cause the Iranian state-run press to repeat its claim that the British government—along with the Israelis, of course—paid Salman Rushdie to write The Satanic Verses to begin with. Exactly how is such a mentality to be placated?"

"We may have to put up with the Rage Boys of the world, but we ought not to do their work for them, and we must not cry before we have been hurt."

"Rage Boy keenly looks forward to anger, while we worriedly anticipate trouble, and fret about etiquette, and prepare the next retreat. If taken to its logical conclusion, this would mean living at the pleasure of Rage Boy, and that I am not prepared to do.
"Rage Boy" freut sich ungemein darauf zornig zu sein, während wir besorgt den Ärger akzeptieren und uns über die Umgangsformen ärgern, bereit zur nächsten Kapitulation. Wenn man nun logisch schlußfolgert, würde dies bedeuten, dass wir zum Vergnügen von "Rage Boy" leben und dazu bin ich nicht bereit."

Ich auch nicht!

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