
Gute Nachrichten aus Südkorea

Das höchste südkoreanische Gericht hat den Aktivisten Park Jeong Geun wegen angeblicher Verletzung des nationalen Sicherheitsgesetzes freigesprochen. 2012 war Park zu einer zweijährigen Bewährungsstrafe verurteilt wurden, später wurde er jedoch von einem Berufungsgericht freigesprochen. Dieser Freispruch wurde nun vom obersten südkoreanischen Gericht bestätigt.

Park hatte Bilder eines nordkoreanischen Twitteraccounts retweeted und, unter anderen, Links zu nordkoreanischen Videoclips geteilt. Das ist unter dem kontroversen und anti-liberalen nationalen Sicherheitsgesetz in Südkorea verboten, da er damit Nordkorea / den Feind unterstütze, indem er nordkoreanische Propaganda verbreite. Park jedoch wollte sich über die nordkoreanische Diktatur lächerlich machen.  
“Praising the North Korean regime, a violation of the National Security Law, is applied [to a suspect] when there is possibility [for him] to commit an evil act harming the existence of the country and public security,” the Supreme Court judges said in their verdict, “But he was not that kind of case.”


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Hack North Korea Podcast

Ich hatte vor einigen Tagen schon über Hack North Korea, organisiert von der Human Rights Foundation, berichtet. Hier ein Podcast dazu von Kurt Achin:

Most people believe that the North Korean government — and emphasis on government — is an issue that should be addressed by governments, or by a collection of governments. Well, we believe in helping people. We believe in peer-to-peer networks.
We are not interested in, you know, running to the U.N., which has been oh-so-extraordinary at stopping genocides from occurring — that’s dripping in sarcasm. We don’t believe the United Nations is going to be the place that’s going to bring about change. Neither do we believe that the U.S. State Department, by sending billions of dollars in cash to buy, you know, more Johnny Walker Blue or to hire more Swedish hookers is going to make Kim Jong Un change.
You’re dealing with a psychopath, and a family of psychopaths. They only respond to punishment. Psychopaths do not respond to incentives; they respond to disincentives. And the North Korean government, ultimately, is going to have to be overthrown by its own people, or by a collection of folks in the military.
No occupation army is going to succeed there. No war is going to be able to do this in a way that is more efficient, less problematic for the country in the long term, than an internal situation. And that internal situation will only come — a true revolution for liberty — will only come with information, and when people are inspired to do so. And we will, of course, do as much as our resources permits to hack North Korea and assist people inside North Korea who wish to be free.

Time-lapse Pjöngjang (Werbefilm)


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Hack North Korea

Over the weekend, about 100 hackers, coders and engineers gathered in San Francisco to brainstorm ways to pierce the information divide that separates North Korea from the rest of the world.

The event, dubbed “Hack North Korea” by organizers at the Human Rights Foundation, is part of a broader effort to channel the wealth, ambition and know-how of Silicon Valley to address difficult real-world problems — and few topics are knottier than North Korea.

Update: Hack North Korea Podcast