
Leseklick: Russland macht Propaganda gegen gentechnisch veränderte Organismen

A recent study finds that Russia is using its social media propaganda methods to stir up controversy over genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Why would Russia want to do this? This partly goes back to Lysenko.

Leseklick: Social media and internet not cause of political polarisation

New Oxford University research suggests that social media and the internet are not the root of today’s fragmented society, and echo chambers may not be the threat they are perceived to be. In fact, only a small proportion of the population, at most, is influenced by echo chambers.

Hier der Link zur Veröffentlichung "The echo chamber is overstated: the moderating effect of political interest and diverse media".

Videoklick: John Oliver über die kommenden Wahlen in Italien

Videoklick: Folter funktioniert nicht


Leseklick: Nordkoreanische Cheerleaders während der Olympischen Winterspiele in Pyeongchang

Leseklick: Wie der Ausnahmezustand in Frankreich zum Regelfall wurde

Leseklick: Warum Frauen weniger als Uber-Fahrer verdienen als Männer

Hier gibt es die Uber-Studie (PDF).
We find that the entire gender gap is caused by three factors: experience on the platform (learning-by-doing), preferences over where/when to work, and preferences for driving speed.

Leseklick: Massaker in Myanmar

On Sept. 2, Buddhist villagers and Myanmar troops killed 10 Rohingya men in Myanmar's restive Rakhine state. Reuters uncovered the massacre and has pieced together how it unfolded. During the reporting of this article, two Reuters journalists were arrested by Myanmar police.