
Leseklick: Studie deutet daraufhin, dass konventionelle Landwirtschaft am Umweltverträglichsten sei

New findings suggest that more intensive agriculture might be the “least bad” option for feeding the world while saving its species – provided use of such “land-efficient” systems prevents further conversion of wilderness to farmland.

Agriculture that appears to be more eco-friendly but uses more land may actually have greater environmental costs per unit of food than “high-yield” farming that uses less land, a new study has found."

Hier die Publikation bei dem wissenschaftlichen Fachmagazin Nature Sustainability: The environmental costs and benefits of high-yield farming

Leseklick: Reale und gefühlte Kriminalität

Zahlen sprechen oft eine andere Sprache als das Empfinden von Menschen. Forscher versuchen zu erklären, warum die Sicherheitslage in Deutschland von vielen als bedrohlich wahrgenommen wird.


Leseklick: Wie Ungarn die Demokratie abschaffte

By 2017, 90 percent of all media in Hungary was owned by either the state or a Fidesz ally, according to a count by Budapest-based scholar Marius Dragomir. This media empire includes every single regional newspaper in the country.


Some of these actions have been even shadier. In the past two elections, for example, Fidesz helped create several fake parties — including one party that was being run by someone who turned out to be homeless — that got on the ballot using signatures of Fidesz supporters and dead people. These parties split the anti-Fidesz vote in competitive districts, making it much easier for the Fidesz candidate to win a plurality.


Leseklick: Wie Geld Wahlen beeinflussen

That’s not to say money is irrelevant to winning, said Adam Bonica, a professor of political science at Stanford who also manages the Database on Ideology, Money in Politics, and Elections. But decades of research suggest that money probably isn’t the deciding factor in who wins a general election, and especially not for incumbents.

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