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Leseklick: Race, genetics and pseudoscience: an explainer
"The aim of this article is to provide an accessible guide for scientists, journalists, and the general public for understanding, criticising and pushing back against [arguments in favor of racial groupings and alleged genetically-based intelligence differences between them]."
Vier Wissenschaftler, ein Bioinformatiker und drei Genetiker, haben einen sehr lesenswerten Artikel veröffentlicht, in welchen sie erklären, warum Genvariationen die Unterteilung der Menschheit in verschiedene Rassen nicht erlauben. Sie gehen auch auf die Unterschiede im IQ zwischen verschiedenen Rassen ein. Eine der involvierten Wissenschafter schreibt in ihrem Blog dazu:
"We wanted to correct the misconceptions that many people have about these topics, and directly confront a number of untrue ideas promoted by a small group of pseudo-scientists who refer to themselves as “race realists” or proponents of “human biological diversity” (HBD)."
Leseklick: A Million People Are Jailed at China's Gulags. I Managed to Escape. Here's What Really Goes on Inside
Rape, torture and human experiments. Sayragul Sauytbay offers firsthand testimony from a Xinjiang 'reeducation' camp
Leseklick: Ernährungswissenschaften sind ein Kuddelmuddel
A group of 14 researchers just set off a firestorm with a new series of studies that upends years of nutrition advice about meat. Their five systematic reviews, published Monday in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine, suggest there’s no health reason to eat less red meat — not even the bacon and salami we’ve been told for years to cut back on.
Update (7. Oktober 2019):
Videoklick: What I learned about freedom after escaping North Korea
TED Talk der in Nordkorea geborenen Yeonmi Park
Leseklick: The Dueling Narratives of India’s Kashmir Crackdown
New Delhi’s actions have been welcomed domestically, but Narendra Modi’s government will have a hard time selling its message abroad.
Leseklick: Modi’s Decision on Kashmir Reveals a Brittleness in India
But whatever the cocktail of ideology, domestic politics, and security concerns that drove India’s decision, it does not change the fact that the move reveals a certain brittleness in India’s constitutional arrangements. Who is to say that a future Indian government—or even this one, emboldened by the apparent popularity of its decision—won’t try something similar with a state such as Nagaland, Tamil Nadu, or West Bengal? That many BJP leaders routinely use shrill anti-Muslim rhetoric raises the stakes further.
Leseklick: The Global Warming Consensus
Interessanter und wichtiger Blogeintrag von Dr. Steven Novella in seinem Neurologica Blog über den Konsensus zwischen Wissenschaftlern, dass der Klimawandel maßgeblich menschengemacht sei. Der Artikel setzt sich auch mit den Kritikern und Klimawandelleugnern auseinander.
Eine neue wissenschaftliche Studie, veröffentlicht in dem renommierten Fachmagazin Nature, wird in dem Blogeintrag auch erwähnt. Die Studie zeigt, dass es in den letzten 2,000 Jahren bis zum Beginn der industriellen Revolution keine zeitlichen Perioden gab, in welchen es global (!) zu einem merklichen Anstieg oder Fall der Temperaturen kam. Klimaschwankungen gab es schon immer, aber diese waren meist regional auf bestimmte zeitliche Perioden beschränkt. Dass, so wie seit der industriellen Revolution der Fall ist, die Temperaturen überall auf dem Planeten ansteigen, gab es in den untersuchten 2,000 Jahren davor nie.
In der Studie heißt es:
[W]e find that the warmest period of the past two millennia occurred during the twentieth century for more than 98 per cent of the globe. This provides strong evidence that anthropogenic global warming is not only unparalleled in terms of absolute temperatures, but also unprecedented in spatial consistency within the context of the past 2,000 years.
Leseklick: Mehr Einwanderung führt zu mehr Terroranschlägen - durch Rechte, nicht aber durch Einwanderer
Many people think that more immigration into Western countries leads to more terrorism, because immigrants from non-Western cultures are more likely to be terrorists. My research finds a very different kind of relationship. Immigrants aren’t committing terrorism in Western Europe. Rather, native citizens appear to be committing terrorism because of their hostility to immigrants.
und hier der Link zur wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichung.
Videoklick: India and Sri Lanka's violent fight over fish
Eine neue Folge Vox Borders, diesmal aus Indien und Sri Lanka
Videoklick: Xinjiang: China, where are my children?
New evidence that children in China's Xinjiang region are being systematically separated from their families has been uncovered in research commissioned by the BBC.
Videoklick: How India runs the world's biggest election
Die nächste Folge Vox Borders aus Indien und Pakistan
Leseklick: The development and decay of democracy
The fate of social democracy should worry not only those on the left, but anyone concerned with democracy in Europe.
Leseklick: China Is Cutting Tariffs—For Everyone Else
"By contrast, China is helping its citizens by making new friends. One way to offset the rising prices to Chinese consumers otherwise stuck buying American is to lower their costs if they switch. On average, it is now 14 percent cheaper in China to buy something from Canada, Japan, Brazil, or Europe than it is to buy something from the United States. Beijing is making it worthwhile for its consumers to develop new commercial relationships. And once those new ties are formed, the Chinese may not bother to switch back."
Leseklick: Was ist dran an der Studie zum Insektensterben
These are all important limitations – this study simply does not show evidence that global insect declines are happening, nor does it provide evidence that insects will be extinct in 100 years.
Videoklick: Wie aus einer Zelle eine Kaulquappe wird
Watch a single cell become a complete organism in six pulsing minutes of timelapse
Leseklick: Antifa ohne Faschismus
Wann ist politische Gewalt legitim? Viele Linke begehen einen großen Denkfehler, wenn sie sich in der Tradition des Widerstands in der NS-Zeit sehen.
Leseklick: Steven Pinker entgegnet seinen kulturpessimistischen Kritikern
Steven Pinker entgegnet der Kritik an seinem Buch "Aufklärung jetzt: Für Vernunft, Wissenschaft, Humanismus und Fortschritt"
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