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Mindhacks.com - Dramatic sexuality changes after brain disturbance
One of the most well-known of these studies is a recent case of a man who was convicted of paedophilia late in life, but was later found to have a brain tumour, and on removal of the tumour his sudden interest in children disappeared. It reappeared again when the tumour once more began to grow.


In some rare cases, preferences themselves seem to be affected, although it's never clear whether it's actually that the person has different desires, or whether they always had them but now are, perhaps, less able to stop themselves acting on them.


Not all of the cases of changes sexuality after brain damage are where people act outside of the norm, of course. In one, admittedly, not brilliantly detailed case, an apparently exclusively homosexual man found he developed heterosexual attraction after a stroke.

Sadly, this area is massively under-researched so we really know relatively little about how different aspects of desire, emotional attachment and sexual behaviour are handled by the brain, but these case studies give us a window into the possibilities.

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