
Todesfalle: Nordkoreanisches KZ

"Many prisons [in North Korea] are a death trap for the inmates.
The abhorrent prison conditions, including lack of food, poor hygiene, freezing conditions in winter time, forced labor and corporal punishment, result in a myriad of abuses and deprivations," [Vitit] Muntarbhorn[, a U.N. human rights investigator,] said.

berichtet FoxNews.com. Währenddessen soll Nordkorea für seinen aktuellen "Satellitenstart" 30 Millionen US-Dollar ausgegeben haben.
Grand National Party spokesman Yoon Sang-hyun on Friday said his party estimates North Korea spent about $30 million test-launching the Taepodong-2 missile three years ago. “They should have spent the money to feed and clothe their people,” Yoon added.

Einer Schätzung zufolge hat sich Nordkorea die Entwicklung und Herstellung seiner Taepodong-2 mehr als 500 Milliarden US-Dollar kosten lassen - während nebenher die Menschen elendig im größten Gulag der Welt verhungern.

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