
So einiges..

Liu [Xiaobo] is just one example of hundreds of innocent men and women around the world who are currently imprisoned because of their political views or for their defense of human rights. All over the globe, citizens who dare criticize repressive, nondemocratic regimes or call attention to human rights violations in their countries are regularly subjected to fraudulent criminal charges, unfair trials, and lengthy prison sentences. In commemoration of International Human Rights Day, here is a small list of some of the most prominent political prisoners from around the world


Daniele Mastrogiacomo, italienisch-schweizerischer Kriegsreporter für die Zeitung «La Repubblica», hat ein vielbeachtetes Buch über seine Geiselhaft durch die Taliban geschrieben. Im Interview spricht er über die tägliche Angst, die Launenhaftigkeit seiner Peiniger und ihre Präzision beim Töten.



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