
Norman Borlaug, der Mann, der Milliarden Menschenleben rettete, ist tot

He may have saved a billion people from starvation, but, if you asked a random sample of reasonably well educated Americans who Norman Borlaug was, they’d probably answer, “Norman who?” I’ll tell you Norman who. His biographer, Leon Hesser, called him the Man Who Fed the World. Science reporter Gregg Easterbrook called him the Forgotten Benefactor of Humanity. I’ve called him a Modern Prometheus. And comedians Penn and Teller said (well, mostly Penn said) that he was the greatest human being who ever lived.
OpenMarket: The Man Who Fed the World

Norman Borlaug on Penn and Teller: Bullshit

Reason: Norman Borlaug: The Man Who Saved More Human Lives Than Any Other Has Died
(via AchGut und Ars Libertatis)

Welt Online - Michael Miersch: Der Mann, der Millionen Menschenleben rettete

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