
Sandmonkey über die Wahlen in Ägypten

Der Ägypter Mahmoud Salem, der unter dem Namen Sandmonkey bloggt, über den Ausgang der Präsidentenwahl in Ägypten:

Well, because whomever the next President is, his first term will only last 6 -9 months, by law. You see, SCAF will write the constitution, and will do one that will be appealing to most people, and then call a referendum on it, and the moment that happens, they will hold the parliamentary elections and then redo the presidential elections as well, which Morsy is not going to win it. Why? Well, because we have a very impatient population that wants quick improvements and Morsy will be screwed because of the horrifyingly bad economic situation that will take place in Egypt in those few coming months


If you noticed, Morsy rhetoric stopped being religious or islamist, and more revolutionary. Sharia is no longer selling politically, with the population. If it did, they would’ve used it, but they are also aware that the way they used to get votes or support will not work for a while. Political Islam is changing, and its practitioners no longer have their Halo’s in the eyes of the public. The next parliamentary elections will not have Islamists winning the majority, at all, either way. The Game has changed.

Als besonders essentiell erscheint die Tatsache, dass der Oberster Rat der Streitkräfte über das Budget der neuen Regierung entscheiden darf. Ob die Muslimbrüder sich so einfach austricksen lassen...

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