
Das Schweigen um Ling und Lee

OneFreeKorea - Silent vs. Vocal Diplomacy: More Thoughts on How the State Department is Approaching the Saberi and Lee-Ling Hostage Cases
North Korea does have a tendency to act like a naughty child and like all spoiled brats, when it isn’t getting the attention it wants, it pushes the envelop a little further. It wouldn’t be surprising then, that in a defiant act of rebellion, North Korea goes through with sentencing Lee and Ling to years in a North Korea work camp, all because the U.S. wasn’t giving it the acknowledgment it wanted.

Das Schweigen der US-Diplomatie; Eine Taktik, um Kim Jong-Il nicht die Aufmerksamkeit zu geben, die er gerne hätte, oder einfach nur ein Zeichen dafür, dass man in Washington einfach nicht weiter weiß?

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