
Reviews zu nordkoreanischen Gulags

Nachdem Google seine Satellitenaufnahmen aktualisiert hat, finden sich bei Google Map äußerst schwarze Reviews über die nordkoreanischen Gulags, so beispielsweise über das Bukchang Gulag.
If your looking for a the best death camp look no further. The country can barely feed it self so just imagine a gulag. Want to loose some weight? Just one visit to Bukchang and the pounds will fall right off. Activity include but not limited too manual labor, sleep desperation, disease and a high chance of death. Looking for some alone time? No worries all family are separated upon entry. Who knows what adventures await you in North Korea's leading death camp.

Die hard fans of DEAR LEADER ? Look no further ! Located North East of Pyongyang, Bukchang or should I say "Bukky" for the more regular travellers, doesn't sport all the glamour of its neighbour despite a pleasant and quiet landscape punctuated by a few rifle executions every now and then but nothing really out of the ordinary. Before venturing into that little bit of paradise, you should know that the traveller experience is all based on sharing. Therefore you will never be alone! It's that comforting feeling that you will always have a fellow comrade besides you everyday, and every time.

oder zum Congjin Gulag
Oh man, where do I begin? Possibly the worst "Happy Camp" I have ever been to. And I've been to guantanamo bay, San Quentin, Bang Kwang and even Australia. When I got there, I expected it to be bad. But to be whipped for sighing? I mean, come on! At least beat me with brass knuckles or something humane. God. Anyway, after being whipped for "Betraying the great leader" I soon found myself digging graves for other "Camp Members" it was awesome! Well, the whole grave part, not the whole digging part. Dinner was the worst though, 3 peas and a piece of corn? Really? Overall, I would not recommend it. AND THEY DIDN'T EVEN SPEAK ENGLISH! 0/10 would not bang

siehe Buzzfeed

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