
Videos und Bilder

The Onion - Study: Children Exposed To Pornography May Expect Sex To Be Enjoyable

The Onion - Hot New Video Game Consists Solely Of Shooting People Point-Blank In The Face

Samurai teilt Eisen und Kugeln (via Nerdcore)

(siehe ebenso: Katana cut bullet)

Banküberfall (Virales Marketing)

What's Your Favorite Curse Word? (via Nerdcore)

YouTube - No Twitter for Hitler
YouTube - Twitter Ruined My Life
YouTube - Vogelperspektive
YouTube - What fits into Russia?
YouTube - Guerilla dance party in Shibuya (via JapanProbe)
911 Emergency Call - Math Problems

XKCD - Security Question
Photoshelter - Riding a Wave with Dustin Humphrey

Rest via: Telepolis

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